Flowering Trees and Shrubs

Flowering Trees and Shrubs

Colorado has some nice varieties of flowering trees and shrubs. A visit to a local nursery will help identify available choices for flowering trees and shrubs in your area. Some key factors to keep in mind are the amount of hourly sun the tree or shrub will receive in the location you are intending to plant it and the amount the tree or shrub is likely to spread. It is also wise to keep in mind the watering requirements and how much maintenance is needed to keep the tree or shrub lively. Some nurseries or garden centers group flowering trees and shrubs together in their own specific areas or may even call them “butterfly friendly” plants.

Flowering trees and shrubs can be indigenous to Colorado or just hardy to our zone. Check the tag or ask the nursery expert for advice if you are unsure. Keep in mind, picking the correct zone for your state allows for better success with the tree or shrub in Colorado soil and less overall struggle with maintaining its growth over time.

Some excellent perennial choices include the Cleveland Select Pear, an ornamental pear tree which bares no fruit but flowers and grows 30’ x 20’in height. Also, Japanese Lilac blooms in white or lavender and reach up to six feet tall. Purple Robe Lolust offer incredible purple/pink flower clusters for a sun soaked location and can reach heights in excess of 35 feet. A few other choices include the Catalpa, an Amur Cherry tree, and the Spring Snow Crab Apple tree, all of which flower throughout the summer months and grow up to 20’ x 30’ in height. For smaller flowering trees, look for these same varieties in “dwarf” as some are available in the “mini me” version.

Some excellent choices for flowering shrubs include: the Sunset Hypercium, otherwise known as St. John’s Wort; the Red Ace Potentilla with its white or yellow small blooms; the Spirea, which grows only 2 feet by 5 feet; Magic Carpet, requiring full sun; Summer Lilac with its distinct “ode to spring” smell; Snowflake Viburne; and Cheyenne Mockorange Balm shrubs. Keep spacing in mind as over planting can cause stunted growth. It is recommended that grouping plants that require similar watering and sunlight is best.

There are certainly countless choices for flowering trees and shrubs and more being developed each year. Checking with your favorite Landscape Designer or Nursery is a great place to start. Be creative with your perennial choices and you will enjoy the results year after year.